

CLICI – Center for Italian Language and Culture of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – promotes the diffusion of Italian language and culture through cultural and educational initiatives (conferences, congresses, courses, etc.) and offers Courses in Italian language and culture both to Tor Vergata students and to foreigners from all over the world.

CLICI is an autonomous section of CLA (Tor Vergata Language Centre) based at Campus X, and is directed by Prof. Florinda Nardi, vice-director of CLA.

CLICI organises extensive and intensive Italian language courses throughout the academic year and also provides courses for international projects. The Center is also responsible for the training of teachers in synergy with the postgraduate specialization course “Insegnare Lingua e Cultura Italiana a Stranieri – LCS” (Teaching Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners), organised by Scuola IaD.

The objective of CLICI is to meet the demand in the field of Italian language and culture at all levels and for different types of learners. Given the growing demand for courses in Italian language and culture to foreign students, but also, especially on the part of schools, for vocational training courses for the teaching of Italian as a second and foreign language, CLICI’s courses aim to respond to the educational needs that society and the world of work already manifest. Finally, it is possible to design special courses at the request of public or private institutions or companies, to meet specific learning needs.